OSTR Quarterly Reporting Due July 31st

The deadline is Friday, July 31, to file your quarterly report for the period April 1, 2020 to June 30, 2020.

You can file online at the OSTR webite or download a hard copy form to fill out and mail in. 

On June 26, 2020, OSTR sent an email notification that “new” short-term rental hosts are eligible to file through the SF Planning Department Public Portal.  For now, existing hosts can continue to file through the OSTR website.

According to OSTR, “San Francisco Planning is expecting to launch the new system for existing hosts at the end of Summer 2020.”

Please note:

  • Even if you did not have any bookings or host any guests during the last quarter, you are still required to file the report or risk being found not in good standing.
  • Failure to file on time may also jeopardize your renewal after your permit expires.
  • There have been reports of computer glitches related to online reporting from the OSTR website.  These have included irregular dates generated by the website (for example, requesting reporting from 2015), or failures that include no confirmation message that the reporting has been successfully received or logged. 

If you encounter any irregularities, we recommend that you download the hard copy reporting form from the OSTR website, fill out the report by hand and mail it in.  You may wish to make a photocopy for your records and mail it by certified mail (with return receipt service to have extra assurance that OSTR has received your report).